A multidisciplinary team of experienced mental health practitioners providing an emergency assessment and home treatment service for people living in the Bristol area experiencing a mental health crisis and who would otherwise need admission to hospital.
Partnership of AWP, Second Step, Missing Link, Off the Record, Nilaari, Brunelcare, Wellsping Healthy Living Centre, Knowle West Health Park, Southmead Development Trust, SARI
1 Colston Fort, Bristol, BS6 5UB
A multi disciplinary team that serves adults of working age (18 - 65) experiencing a mental health crisis.
The service is a multidisciplinary team of experienced mental health practitioners providing an emergency assessment and home treatment service for people living in the Bristol area experiencing a mental health crisis and who would otherwise need admission to hospital.
If admission is necessary the team will also facilitate an earlier discharge from hospital when appropriate to the service user.
The team's involvement is short and intensive, support and treatment in the community, during difficult periods for services users and their carers.
You can access this service through
You can access this service through
If you are calling for yourself or on behalf of someone you are support, please note that you may go through to an answer machine. Please leave a message with contact details as the machine is reviewed regularly and you will be called back promptly.