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About SS&L

Somerset Skills & Learning makes positive changes to people’s lives, through learning. We work across Somerset, providing adult education, apprenticeships and traineeships. As well as offering skills, qualifications, training and development, we also invest heavily in community projects to help disadvantaged groups to improve their lives through learning.

We’re passionate about the inspiring, heart-warming and humbling work we do. We understand learning and development, and we share this understanding with our students, partners and employers we work with.

Whatever your story, you can change your life through learning with SS&L!

Education, Training and Employment
Achieve your ambitions with SS&L! College is very different from school and it’s a great next step. Or maybe you left education a while ago and need extra qualifications to expand your career options. No matter where you are in life, we believe you can achieve more and reach your potential.

What We Do
We offer:
· Apprenticeships in business admin, customer service, teaching assistants, childcare and team leading.
· Traineeships (pre-apprenticeship programmes).
· 80+ free distance learning courses, from mental health and child development to digital skills and professional development, all with a local tutor.
· Free English and maths qualifications, including Functional Skills and GCSEs.
· Community learning workshops.
· And more...

Where we do it
We have four centres across Somerset in Taunton, Yeovil, Bridgwater and Frome. We also offer many courses via distance learning and blended learning, making it possible for you to achieve your goals wherever you are.

Find a centre near you

How to access
Find out more by visiting our website here
Call us on 0330 332 7997
Email us at
Chat live with us on our website

Telephone number for all locations - 0330 332 7997

Locations we operate in

Churchill House - 01278 426828

Robins Drive, Bridgwater, TA6 4DL

Burnham-on-Sea - 01278 783057

Princess Street, Burnham-on-Sea, TA8 1EH

The Boden Centre - 01460 63900

Boden Street, Chard, TA20 2AX

The Saxonvale Centre - 01373 452244

Garsdale, Frome, BA11 1RZ

Ilminster - 01460 53195

47,Ditton Street, Ilminster, TA19 0BW

Minehead - 01643 702986

Middle Street, Minehead, TA24 5JH

Broughton House - 01823 446770

Blackbrook Park Avenue, Taunton, TA1 2PP

Wellington - 01823 663000

Corams Lane, Wellington, TA21 8LL

Wells - 01749 677786

Portway Building, Wells, BA5 2QF

Dolphin House - 01935 420067

21 Hendford, Yeovil, BA20 1TQ

Services we Provide


If you are looking for a change in career, to gain further qualifications, enhance your existing skills or improve your health and wellbeing, then we have something for you.

What we do

Somerset Skills and Learning can offer any of the following to adults:

  • Free leisure, vocational and courses for qualifications,
  • Self development,
  • Health and fitness,
  • Careers and Learning Advice Service

Don't forget to download our brochure here which contains a list of courses available.

Where we do it

We have 13 centres located in 12 different Somerset towns, plus the use of a range of village, community and church halls, so there should be something happening near you in your community.

View our list of centres here.

Use our course finder to find your nearest centre, click here.

You can also email us,, or call us 0845688 0488

How to access

Click here, if you are interested in enrolling with Somerset Skills and Learning.

Use our course finder to find your nearest centre, click here.

You can also email us,, or call us 0845688 0488

Select below useful downloads relating to this service

Please Select
  • Please Select
  • Adult Learning Brochure

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